Are you thinking about moving to Australia?

In 2023, 13,400 New Zealanders moved to Australia so you are not alone. In this article we will tell you what you need to do (and think about) before you decide to pack up the house and move to Australia.

What are your Visa requirements when moving to Australia?

As a New Zealand citizen, you can enter Australia and apply for a visa upon arrival under the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement. However, if you plan to stay long-term or work, you might need a different visa. New Zealanders don’t always have the same rights as Australians.

New Zealand and Australia are close friends and allies. A unique arrangement allows freedom of movement between the two countries – the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement.

Immigration status can affect rights

It’s also important that New Zealanders choosing to live in Australia know their immigration status, for example, if they are an Australian permanent resident, citizen, or on a visa.

This can affect your rights. New Zealanders may not be able to get Australian social security payments if they run into financial hardship, even if they’ve paid tax in Australia. New Zealanders’ visas (and so their ability to live in Australia) can be canceled if Australian authorities assess that they do not meet the relevant character requirements. Read more information here.

How much money will you need to move?

The amount of money you’ll need to move to Australia from New Zealand and support yourself will depend on several factors such as your lifestyle, location in Australia, accommodation choices, and personal spending habits. Here is what you need to know;
Renting costs vary widely across Australia. In major cities like Sydney and Melbourne, rent can be quite high, while regional areas or smaller cities might offer more affordable options.

Living Expenses will include groceries, transportation, utilities (electricity, gas, water), internet, and mobile phone bills. These costs can also vary significantly based on where you live and your personal consumption habits. You will also need to think about set-up costs, this includes things like rental bond (usually 4-6 weeks’ rent), and settling in costs if you need to buy any further household items specific to your new home.

To give a rough estimate, consider budgeting at least AUD $5,000 to AUD $10,000 for initial set-up costs and another AUD $2,000 to AUD $4,000 per month for living expenses, depending on your location and lifestyle. This is a general guideline and actual costs can vary widely. It’s always a good idea to research specific costs in the area you plan to move to and to have a financial buffer to ensure a smooth transition.

moving to Australia?

What are your healthcare options in Australia?

As a New Zealand citizen moving to Australia, you are eligible for some level of coverage under Australia’s public health system, Medicare. Here are the key points to consider regarding health insurance in Australia:

New Zealand citizens moving to Australia are generally covered by Medicare under the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA). This agreement allows you access to medically necessary treatment in public hospitals and subsidized medical services. While Medicare covers many healthcare services, there are limitations. For example, it does not cover all medical services, dental care, ambulance services, or private hospital care.

While not mandatory, many people in Australia, including New Zealanders, choose to take out private health insurance to cover services not included in Medicare, such as dental, optical, and certain elective procedures. Private health insurance can also provide more choices and shorter waiting times for non-emergency treatments.

Before you move, it’s advisable to research your specific healthcare needs and consider whether private health insurance would be beneficial for you based on your circumstances and the level of coverage you desire beyond what Medicare provides.

What Australia laws will you need to comply with?

As a New Zealand citizen living in Australia, you’ll need to adhere to various laws and regulations that apply to all residents in Australia. Here are some key areas to be aware of:

Employment, ensure you have the appropriate work rights depending on your visa status. Adhere to Australian workplace laws and regulations regarding pay, conditions, and safety.

Taxation, you are required to pay taxes on income earned in Australia. Familiarise yourself with Australian tax laws, including filing requirements and deductions.

If you plan to drive in Australia, check the requirements for converting your New Zealand driver’s license to an Australian one (if necessary) and familiarise yourself with Australian road rules.

It’s important to stay informed about any changes in Australian laws and regulations that may affect you. Seeking advice from relevant authorities or legal professionals can help ensure you comply with all applicable laws while living in Australia as a New Zealand citizen.

Moving you to Australia from New Zealand

Moving to Australia from New Zealand? It’s important to plan ahead and seek assistance where needed. Ausmove are experts in relocation services from New Zealand to Australia.

For detailed information on Ausmove’s services and expertise visit the following page: or call (09) 360-4777.

In 2023, data from Statistics New Zealand showed a net migration loss of 13,400 people to Australia – the largest annual deficit since 2013. Moving to Australia from NZ is a trend that shows no signs of declining, with an increasing number of kiwi households making the move across the ditch as rising costs associated with living start to bite and better employment opportunities emerge.

In this article we will dive into the reasons more and more New Zealanders are deciding to pack up the house and move to Australia.

How many New Zealanders are moving to Australia

Net migration from New Zealand to Australia peaked at over 30,000 people per year in the year 2013. Over the past decade the numbers began to stabilise, with annual net migration figures ranging from 15,000 to 20,000.

According to Statistics New Zealand, in the year ending March 2021, the net migration of New Zealand citizens to Australia was significantly lower due to the covid pandemic. As of the year ending June 2022, the net migration from New Zealand to Australia was around 12,000 people, reflecting a recovery as travel restrictions eased and economic conditions began to improve. Last year, data from Statistics New Zealand showed a net migration loss of 13,400 people to Australia – the largest annual deficit since 2013.

Why are Kiwis choosing to move to Australia?

Kiwis are choosing to move to Australia for a number of reasons, which can be broadly categorised into economic, social, and lifestyle factors. This reflects the desire to enjoy better opportunities and a higher quality of life in Australia.

Economic Opportunities
Australia offers higher wages compared to New Zealand, making it attractive for Kiwis seeking better financial prospects. Australia is also a much larger economy providing more job opportunities across various sectors, including mining, healthcare, and construction.

Ease of Migration
The Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement arrangement allows New Zealand citizens to live and work in Australia without the need for a visa, simplifying the migration process. This combined with the close geographic proximity between New Zealand and Australia makes it convenient for Kiwis to move and maintain ties with family and friends back home.

Lifestyle and Climate
Many parts of Australia offer a warmer climate compared to New Zealand, which can be appealing for those seeking a change in weather. Australia’s diverse natural landscapes and outdoor recreational opportunities, such as beaches and national parks, attract many Kiwis who are looking to enjoy an outdoor Lifestyle.

Cost of Living
While certain areas of Australia can be more expensive than New Zealand, somewhere like Sydney for example, overall the cost of living, particularly housing, is more affordable in Australia compared to major New Zealand cities like Auckland.

What are the most popular places to move to in Australia?

New Zealanders moving to Australia are favoring several destinations. These cities are favorites among New Zealanders for their economic opportunities, lifestyle advantages, and the presence of established Kiwi communities, which help new migrants settle in more easily. These are some of the most popular destinations for New Zealanders moving to Australia.

Sydney, New South Wales
As Australia’s largest city, Sydney offers numerous job opportunities, particularly in finance, tech, healthcare, and education. Sydney is known for its vibrant cultural scene, beautiful beaches, and iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Melbourne, Victoria
Melbourne is famous for its arts, music, and food scenes, as well as its sporting events. The city has a strong economy with opportunities in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and creative industries.

Brisbane, Queensland
Brisbane’s warm climate and outdoor lifestyle appeal to many Kiwis. The city is experiencing significant growth, offering opportunities in construction, hospitality, and services.

Perth, Western Australia
Perth’s economy benefits from mining and resources industries, providing jobs in these sectors. The city is known for its relaxed lifestyle, beautiful beaches, and parks.

Gold Coast, Queensland
The Gold Coast is a major tourist destination, offering jobs in tourism, hospitality, and retail. The area is famous for its beaches, surfing spots, and theme parks.

Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide is known for its lower cost of living compared to other major cities. The city has a vibrant cultural life and is known for its festivals, food, and wine regions.

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
As the capital city of Australia, Canberra offers many opportunities in government and public administration. The city is known for its high standard of living, excellent education system, and green spaces.

Hobart, Tasmania
Hobart attracts those who appreciate nature, with its proximity to wilderness areas and a cooler climate. The city is seeing growth in sectors like tourism, arts, and food production.

Moving you to Australia from New Zealand

Moving to Australia from New Zealand? It’s important to plan ahead and seek assistance where needed. Ausmove are experts in relocation services from New Zealand to Australia, moving Kiwis to OZ for over 31 years.

For detailed information on Ausmove’s services and expertise visit the following page: or call (09) 360-4777.