How Much Money Should I Save Before Moving to Australia?

February 18, 2021

Saving money for a car is easy. You know which car you’re going to buy; you start saving, you reach your goal, and then you buy it! If it’s a Holden Craptiva, you then drive it around for about 6 months before the engine carks it and you throw it to the wreckers.

It’s slightly more complicated when working out how much money to save before moving to Australia. There is a range of costs to work out, like flights, shipping rates, accommodation and all the rest. So, in this post, we outline some major things you have to consider when setting a savings goal before moving to Australia.

Shipping your stuff

Shipping your stuff is one of the first things that comes to mind when we talk about saving money to move to Australia. Think about it: you can’t live without your stuff. It’s essential that you move it over. While you could flog off all your belongings on Gumtree and move into a furnished apartment in Australia, this will often work out more expensive and more time consuming than just doing the adult thing and getting a shipping container. Grab a quote from the friendly team at Ausmove to work out approximately how much you need to save to ship your stuff to Australia.

Rental deposit

Start looking for places in your desired city and within your budget. Then, take the cost of the rent, let’s say $600 a week for example, and times that by four. You’ll need a deposit of $2400, whether you’re splitting that with a partner or housemate or doing it solo.


You’ve got to get there somehow and, unless you want to swim, it’ll most likely be via plane. Flights to Australia from New Zealand vary on where you’re going to and when you’re travelling. Travelling to a further-away city like Perth will often cost more than a flight to Melbourne. Moving in peak season will also affect the price.

Where are you moving to?

Some places in Australia cost a lot more to live in than others. For example, Sydney is the most expensive city to live in, whereas a country town like Mildura or Wagga Wagga (heads up: it’s pronounced Wogga Wogga) will cost far, far less. So, make sure you get a feel for the cost of living in whichever city you’re moving to before setting a savings goal.

No matter what, New Zealanders are pretty lucky when it comes to saving money before moving to Australia. Why? Because it’s cheaper and easier for us to do it than any other nation in the world. No visa fees, no pet import fees, and just a short distance to travel. If you’re thinking about making the move to Australia, contact the team at Ausmove! They’re New Zealand’s most trusted moving company when moving to Australia. They turn Kiwis from tourists into bona fide honorary Aussies. Your new life in Australia begins with one phone call to Ausmove.

Ready to make the move?

Contact us today and find out why we are Auckland’s best moving solution for moving to Australia!

Call us on: (09) 360 4777 or request a free quote online.

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